What Programming Languages Do You Need To Know To Be A Full Stack Developer?

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What Programming Languages Do You Need To Know To Be A Full Stack Developer?

Modern businesses need and hire full-stack developers. The requirements in any full stack developer advertisement appear to have a vast range of technical requirements.

With the requirements spelt out are many languages, database systems, JS frameworks, iOS and Android platforms, deployment techniques, Big Data and Machine Learning and more. Yes, you will have to learn a lot. But let’s start with the web software stack and then learn more stacks.

Build proficiency in:

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • Ruby, PHP, or Python which are all-purpose languages
  • Postgres, Oracle, or MySQL, relational-database systems
  • Any web-server like Apache or Nginx
  • Ubuntu, FreeBSD, or CentOS deployment OS
  • Any system like git. for version-control

By learning one software technology needed for every stack-part you will be in a position to build your own software and use it to add business value at your job. Just ensure it is popular and covers the stack. The sequence of learning will not impact your decision. It may help you learn the alternatives to each part of the stack you are not aware of and then you can optimize your learning.

Experiential learning:

It is always best to do a ‘learn full stack development course’ since employers are looking to you to solve their software problems. You get hands-on experience writing software and the full stack development course covers the in-demand stack languages. Your interest in the latest technology can be honed through passive-learning, blogs, screencasts, and podcasts. Hone your techniques, tools, documentation, and error-message capabilities at the course.

Continuous learning:

Broad-based full stack learning helps you more than knowing three languages in one part of the stack. Learning more languages over and above your first choices in that part is easier.

You have the best choices when you are proficient in all parts of the stack. With CSS, HTML and Javascript you can be a programmer. With Oracle, Postgres and MySQL you can function as a database analyst. With FreeBSD, Ubuntu and CentOS you are good to go as a System Administrator.

Multi-skills will help you identify the futuristic languages for continuous advancement and helps you get issues resolved quickly. That’s prime skills for any employer!

An effective action-plan:

Here’s an optimized plan of action to put on GitHub to show employers.

  • Learn HTML links, pages etc.
  • Deploy to production with Heroku, a host-provider etc.
  • Integrate a back-end language into HTML.
  • Use a deployment virtual server like Linode, AWS, or digital ocean
  • Deploy to production- the dynamic application
  • Integrate your app with a system for relational databases
  • Get proficient in CSS
  • Learn behaviour on client-side with Javascript

Now you have the basic essential skills for a full-stack developer.

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