What Are The Analytics Apps To Reduce Operational Costs At Production Facilities?

What Are The Analytics Apps To Reduce Operational Costs At Production Facilities?


Digitization has taken over the world with a storm. With numerous benefits, it has proved to be a boon for all sectors in which data is involved. Data analytics is shaping the world in which businesses are evolving. It makes data much more than stored figures. It brings out various trends and patterns of different segments of society. Data analytics courses can help businesses increase their revenues in multiples, optimize costs, Improve efficiencies, make cumbersome business processes much more simple and also using data in ways one could have never imagined.

Applications serving the purpose

Mobile applications have increased the use of data analytics. People use their mobile phones all the time thus making it easy for businesses to acquire a lot of individual-specific data daily. The app-space is huge and is coming up with innovations every second. Not a single area has remained untouched with this huge growth. From Real Estate to food, everything has analytics involved. This innovation has not left production facilities untouched. Analytics is making work at production facilities a cakewalk. Some of the major applications which have their hand in making work easy at production facilities are listed below.

  1. Dozuki

Dozuki is a standard work software that has changed the way the production space operates. Dozuki is dominating the visual learning platform by analyzing various trends and making videos on work instructions like repairing a car, opening a refrigerator, operating a piece of particular equipment, etc. This app makes use of images and video clips that are interactive and translates them into work steps and procedures. It is a very convenient application with a simple user interface. It is packed with everything you are looking for in a production-based application. It removes the complexities of a classroom training program where one can easily forget the basics of a particular procedure. The feedback option in the application is quite effective and the users can give their inputs on how they want their procedure videos.

  • Limble CMMS

The machine count in a production facility is huge. To manage all of the machines together is quite a difficult task. It is a maintenance software that a production facility needs. It monitors machines, equipment, spares and every other aspect which comes under such facilities. It keeps the machines running smoothly. Also, it optimizes the manpower cost which is involved in operating such giant facilities. This application is also rich in video content giving relevant information on manufacturing processes such as extraction, polishing, etc. It also has a simple and easy to use interface. It keeps a constant tap on the performance and productivity of machines. Such kind of applications also helps people to keep a tap on the physical maintenance of machines thus saving a huge cost which production facilities would have incurred on a sudden breakdown of any equipment.

  • Microsoft Power BI

This is a powerful analytics tool that can give insights on every aspect of a production facility. It can compile a huge amount of data on different processes and bring out relevant conclusions and process rectifications. The visuals are easy to understand and provides an in-depth understanding of various processes. It can automate the whole process by running various reports and publishing them in pre-decided time frames.

It removes the complexities of manual processes and makes production an error-free and smooth experience. This application has multi-fold benefits. It saves time and generates reports which can be easily deciphered by the people working in production facilities. Various metrics can be formed and tasks can be monitored with the help of automatic alerts. This helps people on maximizing the returns from the production function. In the end, everything is about optimizing costs and increasing revenues.


With every passing day, data is becoming a part of our lives. Analytics is shaping the whole world into a data-driven economy. With its increasing benefits, it is elbowing its way into all sectors and businesses. The production business is squeezing out everything it can and making the best use of data analytics in its day to day functioning and will eventually make itself a data-driven function that works on digitization and analytics.

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