What are Deep Neural Networks and How are They Different From Artificial Neural Networks?

Neural networks have become a more widely used data science and machine learning technique for various applications. Neural networks have used artificial neural networks (ANNs) for many years.

But, as technology has developed, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have become a more advanced variety of neural networks.

Machine learning requires a solid grasp of the distinctions between ANNs and DNNs, and working with them successfully necessitates a solid grasp of programming languages like Python.

By learning machine learning with Python, you can gain the skills to work with ANNs and DNNs to build more powerful machine-learning models for real-world applications. 

This blog will explore the differences between ANNs and DNNs, their structures, types, advantages, and applications.

Artificial Neural Networks

What is ANN?

ANNs comprise layers of interconnected nodes, or neurons, that process input data, output results, and receive input data. With an ANN, each neuron is linked to several other neurons, creating a network of nodes that can handle sophisticated data processing.

The single-layer perceptron is the most fundamental type of ANN; it comprises a single layer of neurons that analyse input data and provide a binary output.

Types of ANN

There are several types of ANNs, including:

Radial Basis Function Networks

ANNs with the aim of approximating functions are known as radial basis function networks (RBFNs). RBFNs use radial basis functions to convert the input data into a higher-dimensional space divided into classes or categories.

Self-Organizing Maps

Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) are artificial neural networks (ANNs) made to figure out how to organise high-dimensional input, like pictures or sounds.

SOMs map the input data into a low-dimensional grid using a competitive learning process to visualise and analyse the data.

Feedforward Neural Networks

The simplest type of ANN is a feed-forward neural network, which has a single layer of input neurons, one or more hidden layers of processing neurons, and a layer of neurons for output.

Without any feedback connections between the layers, data travels from the input layer via the concealed layers to the output layer.

Advantages of DNN

Better Accuracy: In tasks requiring higher accuracy, like speech recognition, image identification, and natural language processing, DNNs can outperform traditional ANNs.

Reduced Feature Engineering: DNNs can automatically learn features from raw data since they require less feature engineering than classic ANNs, which results in more accurate and efficient models.

Improved Training: DNNs are more resilient and better equipped to manage data variances since they can be trained using massive volumes of data.

Applications of ANN

ANNs have numerous practical applications, including:

  • Image recognition
  • Natural language processing
  • Speech recognition
  • Robotics
  • Financial forecasting

Python packages like TensorFlow and Keras can be used to implement ANNs. These libraries have built-in tools for visualising ANN structures and functions for developing and training ANNs.

In machine learning methods, particularly ANNs, Python objects and lists can store and modify data.

Deep Neural Networks

DNNs comprise several layers of neurons, each of which processes incoming data before transmitting the results to the layer above it. Depending on the particular requirements of a task, a DNN's structure can be modified to include different numbers of layers and neurons in each layer.

Types of DNN

There are several types of DNNs, including:

Long Short-Term Memory Networks

RNNs with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is made to retain information for extended periods. To better handle sequential data, LSTMs include a gating mechanism that allows them to recall or forget data from earlier inputs selectively.

Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are a specialisation of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) that handle multi-dimensional input such as photographs. 

CNNs use convolutional layers to separate features from the input data, which they subsequently utilise to find patterns and objects in the data.

Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are a subset of DNNs that handle time series data and plain language. RNNs utilise feedback connections among the network's neurons, enabling them to recall prior inputs and draw on that knowledge when processing new inputs.

Advantages of DNN

Above other machine learning methods, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) provide many advantages, including:

Improved accuracy: DNNs are more accurate than conventional machine learning models, especially when handling complex data.

Better scalability: DNNs are appropriate for big data applications since they can handle massive datasets with millions of samples.

Flexibility: DNNs are adaptable to many data formats and can be used to solve various issues, including natural language processing and picture recognition.

Applications of DNN

DNNs have numerous practical applications, including:

  • Image and video recognition
  • Natural language processing
  • Speech recognition
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Healthcare
  • Finance

DNNs are very effective at tasks that call for high levels of accuracy and a lot of data. They are now an essential artificial intelligence component and have many possible applications in several fields.

Differences Between ANN and DNN

Machine learning algorithms like Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are made to recognise patterns in data and learn from them. Yet there are several significant distinctions between ANNs and DNNs.

Number of Layers

The number of network layers distinguishes ANNs from DNNs, which is one of their primary differences. Whereas DNNs can have dozens or even hundreds of layers, ANNs typically only have one or two layers of neurons.

It enables DNNs to analyse more intricate patterns and analyse complex data.


DNNs have more layers and a more extensive architecture than ANNs, making them more complex overall. DNNs can evaluate more complex data and find subtler patterns thanks to this complexity.

Training Data Requirements

Due to their greater complexity and number of parameters, DNNs often need more training data than ANNs. DNNs might take longer and use more resources to train than ANNs do.

Computational Power

DNNs need more processing power than ANNs because of their bigger size and more intricate architecture. Particularly for large datasets, it may make it more difficult and expensive to train DNNs.


On complex tasks requiring the recognition of complicated patterns in data, DNNs typically perform better than ANNs. Yet, ANNs can still be helpful for more focused tasks that call for recognising simpler patterns.


The field of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) is rapidly expanding. It is being utilised in various industries and fields, making it an exciting area to explore in data science and machine learning. 

If you are interested in pursuing a career in this field. In that case, having a solid foundation in Python programming, particularly in dealing with Python Objects and List, and a thorough understanding of machine learning with Python is essential.

Imarticus Learning's Certificate Program in Data Science and Machine Learning course offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of data science and machine learning, including Python programming, machine learning algorithms, data visualisation, and more.

Take the first step towards a fulfilling career in the exciting field of data science by visiting Imarticus Learning and checking out our IIT data science course today.

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