Technical Approaches for building conversational APIs

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Today’s GUIs can understand human speech and writing commands like the Amazon Echo and Google Home. Speech detection and analysis of human sentiments are now being used in your daily life and on your smart devices like the phones, security systems and much more. This means learning the AI approach.

The six smart system methods:
The existing artificial intelligence process and systems are not learning-based on interactive conversations, grounded in reality or generative methodology. The system of AI training needs to be one of the following.

Rule-based systems can be trained to recognize keywords and preset rules which govern their responses. One does not need to learn an array of new commands. It does need trained workforce with domain expertise to get the ball rolling.

Systems that are based on data retrieval are being used in most applications today. However, with speech recognition and conversational Artificial Intelligence courses being buzzwords, the need to scale and update quickly across various languages, sentiments, domains, and abilities needs urgent skilled manpower to update and use knowledge databases which are growing in size and volume.

The Generative methodology can overcome the drawbacks of the previous methods. In simple language, this means that the language system could be trained to generate its own dialogues rather than rely on pre-set dialogues.
The popular generative and interactive systems today incorporate one or all of the following methods to train software.

• Supervised learning is used to develop a sequence-to-sequence conversation mapping customer input to responses that are computer-generated.

• Augmented learning addresses the above issues and allows optimization for resolution, rewards, and engaging human interest.

• Adversarial learning improves the output of neural dialog which use testing and discriminatory networks to judge the output. The ideal training should involve productive conversations and overcome choice of words, indiscriminate usage and limitations on prejudging human behavior.

Methods relying on the ensemble that use the method most convenient to the context are being used in chatbots like Alexa. Low dialogue levels and task interpretation are primarily addressed. This method though cannot provide for intelligent conversations like human beings produce.

Learning that is grounded uses external knowledge and context in recognizing speech patterns and suggesting options. However, since human knowledge is basically in sets of data that is unstructured, the chatbots find it difficult to make responses of such unstructured data that are not linked to text, images or forms recognized by the computer.

The use of networking neural architecture into smaller concept based parts and separating a single task into many such components instantly while learning and training can help situational customization, external memory manipulation and integration with knowledge graphs can produce scalable, data-driven models in neural networks.

Learning interactively is based on language. Language is always developing and interactive when being used to enable collaborative conversations. The operator has a set goal based on the computer's control and decisions. However, the computer with control over decision making cannot understand the language. Humans can now use SHRDLURN to train and teach the computer with consistent and clear command instructions. Based on experience it was found that creative environments were required for evolving models.

Which method to use is and how is where the creativity of human operators counts! To learn machine learning or an artificial intelligence and the systems of deploying it is the need of the hour no matter which technical method you use.

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