Should You Start With Big Data Training or Learn Data Analytics? Which One to Start First?

It is always a better choice to learn Big data training rather than generalize with data-analytics which is a very large field. Today’s world deals with not just Big Data but the term for big have increased by many multiples of big in terms of data volume. Further, the tools that are used are fast evolving and learning the Big-Data tools first can be done online and through courses. Once you have proficiency in dealing with big data you can also do data analytics courses and understand better the concepts of analytics while applying them to databases classified as big and very, very big!

Difference Between Data Analytics And Big Data

The languages and tools used and the end purpose is different in the two courses one being used in managing large database sets while the other focuses on gaining and providing insights from such datasets. Data science covers courses to learn how to visualize data, make predictive models using R/Python and then use manipulation techniques on the data to get foresight and forecasts or trends. Big Data courses are about managing the data systems and databases. Tools used in Big data training are Hadoop, Tableau, R, NoSQL, and many others that deal with managing the data and integrating the results to give the desired dashboards, visualizations, graphics and summary of statistics.
The R language is taught in data sciences and includes R as its programming language because of its tool range to deal with statistical and analytical applications. The applications used need R programming and hence R developers would be more preferred. Big data training on the other hand, uses MapReduce for Java-based installation programs, needs to integrate and connect with R through Tableau from the Hadoop library and uses data processing tools like Flume, Hive, Sqoop, HBase etc
Learning Hadoop Course
You can use online resources and do it yourself using top10online However, formal training has many advantages and is highly recommended. Join the Big data training Hadoop course at a reputed institute like Imarticus Learning. Hadoop has a vast array of subsystems which are hard to learn for the beginner without formal training. The course helps you assimilate the ecosystem and apply these systems to solving real-world industry-related problems in real-time through assignments, quizzes, practical classes and of course do some small projects to show off your newly acquired skills. The best part is that you have certified trainers leading convenient modes and batches to help you along even if you are already working.
Start building your project portfolio and get on GitHub.
The steps that follow are the Hadoop progressive tutorial in brief.
• Hadoop for desktop installation using the Ambari UI and HortonWorks.
• Choose a cluster to manage with MapReduce and HDFS.
• Use Spark, Pig etc to write simple data analysis programs.
• Work on querying your database with programs like Hive, Sqoop, Presto, MySQL, Cassandra, HBase, MongoDB, and Phoenix.
• Work the ecosystem of Hadoop for designing applications that are industry-relevant.
• Use to manage your cluster with Hue, Mesos, Oozie, YARN, Zookeeper, and Zeppelin.
• Practice data streaming with real-time applications in Storm, Kafka, Spark, Flume, and Flink.

Why do a data analytics course?

Today it would be exceptional if a company does not use Hadoop and data analytics in one form or the other. Among the ones that you can easily recollect are New York Times, Amazon, Facebook, eBay, Google, IBM, LinkedIn, Spotify, Yahoo!, Twitter and many more. Big Data, Data Analytics and Deep Learning are widely applied to build neural networks in almost all data-intensive industries.
However, not all are blessed with being able to learn, update knowledge and be practically adept with the Big data training Hadoop platform which requires a comprehensive ML knowledge, AI deep learning, data handling, statistical modelling and visualization techniques among other skills. One can do separate modules or certificate Big-Data Hadoop training courses with Imarticus Learning who offer such learning as short-term courses, MOOCs, online classrooms, regular classrooms, and even one-on-one courses. Choices are aplenty with materials, tutorials and options for training being readily available thanks to high-speed data and visualization made possible by the internet.
Doing a formal data analytics training course with certification from a reputed institute like Imarticus Learning helps because
• Their certifications are widely recognized and accepted by employers.
• They provide comprehensive learning experiences including the latest best practices, an updated curriculum and the latest training platforms.
• Employers use the credential to measure your practical skills attained and assess you are job-prepared.
• It’s a feather in your hat that adds to your resume and opens doors to the new career.
• Knowledge in Analytics is best imbibed through hands-on practice in real-world situations and rote knowledge gained of concepts may not be entirely useful.
The best Big data training courses for Advanced Analytics are available at the IIMs at Lucknow, Calcutta, and Bangalore or at the IITs of Delhi and Bombay. This is an apt course for people with lower experience levels since their curriculum covers a gamut of relevant topics in depth with sufficient time to enable you to assimilate the concepts.
The courses run by software training institutes like Imarticus are also excellent programs which cost more but focus on training you with the latest software and inculcating practical expertise. Very experienced professionals are likely to get corporate sponsorship and can avail training at competitive discounted rates. Face-to-face lab sessions, mandatory project work, use of role-plays, interactive tutoring and access to the best resources are also very advantageous to you when making the switch.
Job scope and salary offered:
Persons with up to 4 years experience can expect salaries in the range of 10-12 lakhs pa at the MNCs according to the Analytics India Magazine. Yes, the demand for jobs in this sector will never die down and is presently facing an acute shortage.
In parting, there are plenty of options that you can research more on. It is worth it when your Big data training certification helps you land the dream career you want immaterial of the route you followed. Whether you prefer managing databases and then getting at the insights or choose to get the insights and then learn how to train and manage the datasets is your choice. Both choices will be in demand for jobs over the next decade. So don’t wait. Take that leap into data today!

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