How Podcasts are becoming a famous tool in Content Marketing

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The time that we live in is the time of digitalisation. More and more businesses are moving from pen and paper to digital marketing, and there are a lot of different methods for marketing content. One of the key content marketing strategies to emerge in recent years is podcasts.

What is content marketing? 

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Content marketing is a marketing strategy which involves creating and sharing relevant content to establish expertise and promote brand awareness. Social media posts, newsletters, videos, blogs, and podcasts are ways through which content marketing can attract, engage and retain customers, build loyalty and nurture long-term relationships. 

What are podcasts?

When content is recorded in audio format and uploaded to a particular platform, it is called a podcast. A podcast can be a single episode or comprise a series. 

Podcasts have been a trending method to market content in recent times. It is widely used today by start-ups and established businesses to promote brand awareness and establish thought leadership.

What are the different types of podcasts?

There are various kinds of podcasts. Some of the most important ones are:

  • Monologue: In a monologue podcast, the host usually speaks throughout the duration. The listeners are interested in the host's expertise on a specific subject.
  • Conversational: Conversational podcasts usually have two hosts interacting with each other throughout the show.
  • Interview: Interview podcasts also involve two persons. One of them is the host, while the other is the guest. The guest is usually an expert on a specific subject, which is the subject of the podcast for that episode.
  • Roundtable: This is the type of podcast where a group of hosts exchange their views on a specific topic.

There are other types of podcasts like storytelling, theatrical, hybrid, etc.

Why are podcasts becoming so popular?

Podcasts have garnered a lot of attention and praise in recent years, and for good reasons:

    • Engaging: Podcasts are usually very engaging and easy to follow. So the listeners can listen to them while doing other work like driving, cooking or even during work out.
    • Cost-effective: Often, the cost of making a podcast is low as it is possible to make them from home or the outdoors. Although some podcasters prefer a studio setup, it is not mandatory.
    • Versatility: Podcasts are versatile as they cover almost anything, from everyday life problems to international affairs, from local issues to content marketing. That is probably the reason that podcasts have such a widespread reach.
    • Consistency: Podcasts are typically released at intervals. This helps listeners schedule their activities accordingly if they don’t want to miss them.
    • Connection: Podcasts help connect with the listeners. In most cases, people listen to podcasts alone, ensuring the podcast has its full attention.

How are podcasts helping in content marketing?

As we know, multiple strategies play significant roles in content marketing, and podcasts are one of them. But what sets them apart from the rest? Let’s have a look.

    • Brand visibility: Podcasts are mainstream nowadays. A brand that promotes the podcast can climb the popularity charts quickly if the podcast garners recognition. Podcasts create engagement among the listeners. This engagement benefits the brands associated with them.
    • Audience loyalty: Podcast audiences are highly loyal. They usually have a great relationship with the host and put a lot of trust in them. This can help a brand promote its product or service through the host. It is easier to reach the target audience and build trust through podcasts.
    • Economical: As podcasts are easier to make than other social media content, the cost of making them is low too. So, brands can sponsor podcasts and achieve their content marketing goals without spending a fortune.
    • Specificity: Podcasts generally discuss a niche topic and attract a specific audience. Brands can use this to their advantage and market products that keep those specific listeners in mind.
  • Podcasts and SEO: Podcasts can become a vital tool for SEO if used appropriately. If the podcast script contains a few keywords and they are added to the website then the podcast can drive traffic to the website.
  • Competition: A successful digital marketing strategy generally has low competition. Podcasts are only growing in popularity right now, and are yet to become a must-have marketing strategy for most brands. So, the brands that use them face low competition.
  • Revenue: A brand usually promotes its products or services through podcasts. That podcast not only promotes the brand but also earns revenues for the brand.


Content marketing is getting a lot of attention from businesses due to its versatility, reach and cost-effectiveness. An effective digital marketing tactic can attract prospects and retain customers without using aggressive marketing strategies. 

If digital marketing interests you, you must consider one of the best certification courses on digital marketing brought to you by Imarticus. The advanced certification in digital marketing offers certification along with in-depth knowledge on the subject. So, enrol in the course and take the first step in your career in digital marketing.

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