Does a Tableau Certification Really Matter? Here's What You Need To Know

data analytics certification course

Tableau presently offers five different certifications. Here, we'll go through each one, their distinctions, and the necessity of combining them with the Data analytics & machine learning course that we provide at Imarticus in order to get a decent Tableau certification salary.

What does it mean to get certified in Tableau?

Certification in any tool is a method to add proof of your abilities to your resume. As we develop in our usage of the tool and strengthen our analytical skills, the different levels assist in establishing a step-by-step approach to building our framework of possibilities with it.

Once we've determined it's time to earn a Tableau Certification, we must follow what Tableau refers to as Exam Guide Prep, which is a series of instructions or recommendations that must be followed before taking any of the three levels of Tableau Desktop or the two levels of Tableau Server. 

big data analytics courseCertification Format

You may download the certification preparation guide from various pages to go over the different points on what is actually necessary to consider so that you can walk into the test with the best possible preparation. This is a $250 fee-based certification that is valid for two years from the date of purchase.

First and foremost, the test consists of a total of 36 questions that must be answered in two hours. These 36 questions might come in a variety of forms:

  • Practical questions (or Hand-On Questions): These are questions in which the statement indicates which file we must utilize (it's in a folder on the virtual machine's desktop) as well as the analysis's real query. The use of level of detail (or LOD) expressions, table calculations such as the difference from, the difference in percentage from a ranking, or even a moving average calculation, and, finally, answering the question using different graphs such as a Bullet Graph, a Pareto Chart, or a Box and Whisker Plot are all examples of these types of questions. 
  • Theoretical questions: These may be divided into two categories: those in which we are asked if the argument is true or wrong, with only one potential answer, and those in which we are asked to choose all that apply, in which case more than one answer is required to respond correctly. These questions cover a wide range of topics, including how to use various data sources in Tableau Desktop, different types of computations or ways to integrate data in the tool, and various actions and tools that may be used to get the most out of Tableau's interactivity.

The minimum passing score for the certification is 75%, which must be achieved on both types of questions that a candidate may encounter on the test. However, not all questions on the test are equal in value; those with practical substance will be the most useful, followed by multiple-choice questions with theoretical information, with true/false and single-choice responses coming in last. It's worth noting that Tableau requires all potential options to be picked for the right response, thus a partially accurate answer will not get you any points.

The test is 2 hours long in total, although it is advised that a longer time be allocated in case there are additional duties relating to the virtual machine's configuration and for the proctor to ensure that everything is in order before beginning the exam.

Skills to be Assessed

These four abilities will be examined during the exam, according to the Tableau Desktop Specialist study guide: 

  • Connect to and prepare data 
  • Exploring and analyzing data 
  • Sharing information 
  • Understanding Tableau concepts


Data literacy is more critical than ever before. There's always something new to learn at college, whether you're a freshman or a senior. Here at Imarticus, we encourage all our students taking the Data analytics & machine learning course to learn Tableau to access the Tableau certification salary in the market today. Come and visit us at Imarticus to learn more about Tableau Certification.

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